Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ancient Words, Modern Woman

I was at Caribou today, armed with my laptop and a smallskimcampfiremocha.  A lady caught my eye; she was heading in my direction, to the chair next to me.  In her 40's, her hair was bleached blonde, she wore suuuuuper-tight jeans, lots of make-up, and fancy-pants boots.  I won't lie; I pegged her for- or rather, judged her for- being a modern-day Barbie, a flake-o, maybe even a golddigger.  Then I saw her Bible.


But wait, why "oops" just because she was holding her Bible?  It is unfair, wrong, and sinful to be thinking those thought of anyone, Christian or not.  That was a good God-slap right there.

And then I sat there thinking, "I should say something to her...something to let her know I'm a Christian too..."  Why on earth is that?!  Like it's some secret society?  Like I had to let her know that she was a witness to me- a Christian- by carrying her Bible into Caribou.  I did it anyway.

"Great idea, bringing your Bible into Caribou for quiet time," I said.  She responded by saying that just simply cannot get away from the distractions at home to sit down and get her Bible reading done; she just started the habit of doing it at Caribou, to devote time specifically to reading the Word.

"Well, thanks for the inspiration; I'll have to try that sometime," I said, and we exhanged a tone of understanding when saying our "have a great day"s before I walked out.  You know, the secret society of Christians.  She understood.

I was in a complete funk later today, really bogged down with anxiety about work.  One thought kept coming across loud and clear, louder than the worry:  "sit down and read your Bible first, before you do anything else tonight." 

I did, and listened to one of my favorite songs, "Ancient Words":

Holy words, long-preserved
for our walk in the world;
They resound with God's own heart
O, let the ancient words impart.
Words of life, words of hope
give us strength, help us cope.
In this world where ever we rome
ancient words will guide us home.
Ancient words, ever true,
changing me and changing you;
we have come with open hearts;
O let the ancient words impart.

How awesome that the modern woman in Caribou, that me in my sweaty workout clothes worrying about my week, that anyone today can come before those very same ancient words, and be changed.  As I knew it would, my perspective on looming trials has changed.  And I have learned a few lessons on my quickness to judge others along the way.  Conviction, comfort, compassion....

Thank you Lord Jesus for your words that never change, never fail, and always give strength and guidance.  Amen.

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