Saturday, May 25, 2013

Finding Jesus...Sort Of

I always wonder if I'm doing enough to help Oliver and Charlie understand God's love as he grows.  We pray, we talk about Jesus, we read Sunday school material, and I point out things that God has done for us here and there.  But it's not like we're doing sit-down devotionals, and truth be told, bedtime prayers are hurried so that Oliver won't have time to think of another excuse to procrastinate bedtime. 

But yesterday, I heard something out of Oliver's mouth that took my breath away.

"I found Jesus!" He exclaimed.

Michael and I looked at each other, surprised.  "Wow, you...?"

"I found Jesus!," he repeated, "under the bed!"

He dove underneath the bed and when he crawled out, had something in his hand. 


We looked closer to find a keychain...of Hagrid, the burly groundskeeper character from Harry Potter.

Some see Jesus in nature, others in art, and yet others in Warner Brothers licensed characters from a story about wizardry. 

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